Our Lady's Light Opera Motherwell "A Christmas Carol the Musical"
Secretary: Letitia Reilly Telephone: 01236 434901 Email: secretaryolms@gmail.com Tickets Manager: Christine Kelly 17 Catriona Way Holytown ML1 4NU Tel 01698 733502 EMail: chriskelly17@icloud.com Business Manager (and webmaster for this site): Laurie Thompson: Tel: 01698 760724 email: lauriethompson3@btinternet.com
President: Catherine Gemmell Vice-President: Margaret Morrison Treasurer: Claire Wilson Committee members: Maria Casey, Elizabeth McMahon Barbara Morris, Honorary Members Contact: Christine Kelly, 17 Catriona Way, Holytown, ML1 4NU Tel 01698 733502 EMail: chriskelly17@icloud.com
Please get in touch - we’d love to hear from you!
Our, Ladys, Light, Opera, Motherwell,Alan,Menken,Christmas Carol,